
Submitted and Working Papers

Lojowska, M, Gerbracht, JM, Engelmann JB, Roelofs, K, Mulckhuyse, M (submitted) A transcranial magnetic stimulation study on the role of the right Angular Gyrus in orienting and re-orienting of attention towards threat [preprint]

Hirmas, A and Engelmann, JB (working paper). Learning the value of Eco-Labels: The role of information in sustainable decisions [working paper]

Hirmas, A, Engelmann, JB, van der Weele, JJ. (submitted) Individual and Contextual Effects of Attention in Risky Choice  [working paper]

Galli, A, Galeano Weber, E, Engelmann, JB & Fiebach, CJ (submitted). Approach motivation modulates the effect of emotional distraction on the variability of visual working memory precision.


Saulin, A, Ting, CC, Engelmann, JB, & Hein, G (2024) Connected in bad times and in good times: Empathy induces stable social closeness. The Journal of Neuroscience [html]

Andersson, PA, Vartanova, I, Västfjäll, D, Tinghög, G, Strimling, P, Wu, J, Hazin, I, …, Engelmann, JB, et al. (2024). Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies. Scientific Reports 14, 5591 [html]

Engelmann, JB, Lebreton, M, Salem-Garcia, NA, Schwardmann, P, van der Weele, J (forthcoming) Anticipatory Anxiety and Wishful Thinking. American Economic Review [html] [preprint]

Andrighetto, G, Szekely, A, Guido, A, Gelfand, …, Engelmann, JB, et al. (2024) Changes in Social Norms During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Across 43 Countries. Nature Communications [html] []pdf]

Chang, LA & Engelmann, JB (2024) The impact of incidental anxiety on the neural signature of mentalizing. Imaging Neuroscience [pdf][html]


Ting, CC, Salem-Garcia, N. Palminteri, S, Engelmann, JB*, Lebreton, M* (2023). Neural and computational underpinnings of biased confidence in human reinforcement learning. Nature Communications 14, 6896 [html]

Hoven, M, Hirmas, A, Engelmann, JB, van Holst, RJ (2023). Confidence and risky-decision making in gambling disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions [html][pdf]

Chang, LA, Warns, L, Armaos, K, de Sousa, AQM, Paauwe, F, Scholz, C, Engelmann, JB (2023). Mentalizing in economic games is associated with enhanced activation and connectivity in left temporoparietal junction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsad023 [html]

Fischbacher, U, Grammling, D, Hausfeld, JZíka, V (2023) Identity breeds inequality: Evidence from a laboratory experiment on redistribution. Journal of Public Economics, June 2023. [html]

Renerte, B, Hausfeld, J, Twardawski, T (2023) Male and overconfident groups overinvest due to inflated perceived ability to beat the odds.  Frontiers in Behavioral Economics. [html]

Hirmas, A & Engelmann, JB (2023). Impulsiveness moderates the effects of exogenous attention on the sensitivity to gains and losses in risky lotteries. Journal of Economic Psychology 95: 102600 [html]

Hoven, M, Hirmas, A, Engelmann, JB, van Holst, RJ (2023). The role of attention in decision-making under risk in gambling disorder: an eye-tracking study. Addictive Behaviors 138: 107550. [html]


Fischbacher, U, Hausfeld, J, Renerte, B (2022). Strategic incentives undermine gaze a signal of prosocial motives. Games and Economic Behavior [html]

Shevlin, BRK, Smith, SM, Hausfeld, JKrajbich, I (2022). Reply to Pirrone and Tsetsos: Robust evidence for enhanced high-value sensitivityProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [html]

Jaeger, B, Oud, B, Williams, T, Krumhuber, EG, Fehr, E, Engelmann, JB (2022) Can people detect the trustworthiness of strangers based on their facial appearance? Evolution and Human Behavior 43 (4): 296-303 [html][preprint from PsyArXiv]

Shevlin, BRK, Smith, SM, Hausfeld, JKrajbich, I (2022). High-value decisions are fast and accurate, inconsistent with diminishing value sensitivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [html].

Studler, M, Gianotti, LRR, Koch, K, Hausfeld, J, Tarokh, L, Maric, A, Knoch, D (2022). Local slow-wave activity over the right prefrontal cortex reveals individual risk preferences. NeuroImage [html]

Van Doesum, NJ Murphy, RO, Gallucci, M., …, Engelmann, JB et al. (2022). Reply to Nielsen et al.: Social mindfulness associated with countries’ environmental performance and individual environmental concernProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [html]

Van Doesum, NJ Murphy, RO, Gallucci, M, …., Engelmann, JB et al. (2022). Reply to Komatsu et al.: From local social mindfulness to global sustainability efforts?Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [html]


Van Doesum, NJ Murphy, RO, Gallucci, M., …, Engelmann, JB et al. (2021). Social Mindfulness Across the Globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [html] [pdf]

Baumgartner, T, Hausfeld, J, dos Santons, M, Knoch, D (2021) Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment? Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits. Human Brain Mapping [html] [pfd]

Koch, K, Gianotti, LRR,Hausfeld, J, Studler, M, Knoch, D (2021). Different Behavioral Types of Distributional Preferences Are Characterized by Distinct Neural Signatures. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [html] [pdf]

Ting, CC, Palminteri, S, Lebreton, M, Engelmann, JB (2021) The elusive effects of incidental anxiety on reinforcement learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition [pdf][html]

Farolfi, F, Chang, LA, Engelmann, JB (2021). Trust and Contextual Emotions. In Krueger, F (ed.) The Neurobiology of Trust, Oxford University Press [preprint]

Eriksson, K, Strimling, P, Gelfand, M, Wu, J, …, Engelmann, JB et al. (2021). Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies. Nature Communications 12:1481 [html][pdf]


Ting, CC, Palminteri, S, Engelmann, JB, Lebreton, M (2020). Robust valence-induced biases on motor response and confidence in human reinforcement learning. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience.[pdf] [supplement]

Engelmann, JB, de Dreu, CKW, Schmid, B, Fehr, E (2020) Reply to Schild et al.: Antisocial personality moderates the causal influence of costly punishment on trust and trustworthinessProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences[html]

Stamatis, CA, Engelmann, JB, Ziegler, C, Domschke, K, Hasler, G, Timpano, KR(2020). A neuroeconomic investigation of 5-HTT/5-HT1A gene variation, social anxiety, and risk-taking behavior. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 33(2), 176-192 [html]


Hoven, M, Lebreton, M, Engelmann, JB, Denys, D, Luigjes, J, van Holst, R (2019). Abnormalities of confidence in psychiatry: an overview and future perspectives. Translational Psychiatry 9:268 [pdf]

Engelmann, JB,  Schmid, B, de Dreu, C, Chumbley, J, Fehr, E. (2019). On the psychology and economics of antisocial personality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (26): 12781-12786[pdf][supplement][data]

Engelmann, JB, Mulckhuyse, M, Ting, C (2019). Brain Measurement and Manipulation Methods. In Schram, A., Ule, A. (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics.[pdf]

Lebreton, M, Bacily, K, Palminteri, S, Engelmann, JB (2019). Contextual influence on confidence judgments in human reinforcement learning. PLoS Computational Biology 15(4): e1006873 [pdf]

Engelmann, JBMeyer, F,  Ruff, CC, Fehr, E (2019). The Neural Circuitry Of Emotion-Induced Distortions Of Trust. Science Advances 5: eaau3413[pdf]

Ikink, I, Engelmann, JB, van den Bos, W, Roelofs, K, Figner, B (2019). Time ambiguity during intertemporal decision-making is aversive, impacting choice and neural value coding. NeuroImage 185: 236-244[pdf]


Hein, G, Engelmann, JB,  and Tobler, PN (2018). Pain relief provided by an outgroup member enhances analgesia via learning. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [pdf]

Engelmann, JB and Hare, TA (2018). Emotions can bias decision-making processes by promoting specific behavioral tendencies. In Fox, AS, Lapate, RC, Shackman, AJ, Davidson, RJ (Eds.) The Nature of Emotion, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press. [pdf]


Mulckhuyse, M, Engelmann, JB, Schutter, DJLG, & Roelofs, K (2017) Right Posterior Parietal Cortex is involved in disengaging from threat: a 1 Hz rTMS study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [pdf]

Engelmann, JB, Berns, GS, Dunlop, BW (2017). Psychological Medicine [pdf]

Engelmann, JB, and Pogosyan, M (2017). How we read emotions from faces. Frontiers Young Minds 5:11[html]

Engelmann, JB and Fehr, E (2017). The Neurobiology of Trust: the Important Role of Emotions. P. A. M. van Lange, B. Rockenbach, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Social Dilemmas: New Perspectives on Reward and Punishment. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [html][pdf]


Engelmann, JB and Fehr, E (2016) The slippery slope of dishonesty. Nature Neuroscience 19,1543–1544]

Hein, G, Engelmann, JB, Vollberg, M, Tobler, PN (2016) How learning shapes the empathic brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(1), 80-85.[pdf]


Engelmann, JB, Meyer, F, Fehr, E, Ruff, CC (2015) Anticipatory anxiety disrupts neural valuation during risky choice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (7), 3085-3099. [pdf]

Cohn A, Engelmann JB, Fehr E, Maréchal M (2015) Evidence for Countercyclical Risk Aversion: An Experiment with Financial Professionals. The American Economic Review, 105 (2), 860-885.[pdf]


Gradin, VB, Pérez, A, McFarlone, IC, Waiter, G, Engelmann, JB, Dritschel, B, Pomi, A, Matthews, K, Steele, JD (2014) Depression alters dorsal caudate responses to fairness in the ultimatum game. Psychological Medicine 45 (6), 1241-1251.[pdf]

Chumbley, J, Krajbich, I, Engelmann, JB, Fehr, E (2014). Endogenous cortisol predicts lower loss aversion in young men. Psychological Science, 25(11), 2102-5.[pdf]

Engelmann, JB & Pessoa, L (2014). Motivation sharpens exogenous spatial attention. Motivation Science, Vol 1(S), 64-72. Reprint of Engelmann and Pessoa (2007). 


Engelmann JB, Maciuba B, Vaughan C, Paulus MP, Dunlop BW (2013) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Increases Sensitivity to Long Term Losses among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. PLoS ONE 8(10): e78292.[pdf[html] [supplement]

Capra CM, Bing J, Engelmann JB & Berns GS (2013). Can personality type explain heterogeneity in probability distortions? Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics 6 (3), 151-166. [pdf]

Engelmann JB and Pogosyan M (2013) Emotion perception across cultures: the role of cognitive mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology 4:118.[pdf]  [abstract]

Engelmann JB & Hein G (2013) Contextual and social influences on valuation and choice. Progress in Brain Research;202:215-37. [pdf]

2012 and before

Engelmann JB, Moore S, Capra CM & Berns GS (2012). Differential neurobiological effects of expert advice on risky choice in adolescents and adults. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; 7(5):557-67.[pdf]

Pogosyan M & Engelmann JB (2011). Cultural differences in affect intensity perception in the context of advertising. Frontiers in Psychology 2:313.[pdf] [abstract]

Brooks AM, Pammi V, Noussair C, Capra C, Engelmann JB & Berns GS (2010). From Bad to Worse: Striatal Coding of the Relative Value of Painful Decisions. Frontiers in Neuroscience 4:176. [pdf] [abstract]

Pessoa L & Engelmann JB (2010) Embedding reward signals into perception and cognition. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 4:17. [pdf] [abstract] [html]

Engelmann JB (2010). Measuring Trust in Social Neuroeconomics: a Tutorial. Hermeneutische Blätter (1/2 2010), 225 – 242. [pdf]

Engelmann JB & Berns GS (2010) Cognitive Neuroscience. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology 1-3.

Engelmann JB & Tamir D (2009). Individual differences in risk preference predict neural responses during financial decision-making. Brain Research, 1290: 28-51.[pdf]

Engelmann JB & Brooks AM (2009) Behavioral and neural effects of delays during intertemporal choice are independent of probability. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(19):6055-6057.[pdf]

Engelmann JB, Capra MS, Noussair C & Berns GS (2009). Expert Financial Advice Neurobiologically “Offloads” Financial Decision-Making under Risk. PLoS one 4(3): e4957.[html]

Engelmann JB, Damaraju E, Padmala S & Pessoa L (2009) Combined effects of attention and motivation on visual task performance: Transient and sustained motivational effects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3:4.[html]

Engelmann JB (2009). Risks and Rewards: The Neurobiological Basis of their Impact on Decision-Making. Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller [link]

Engelmann JB & Pessoa L (2007). Motivation sharpens exogenous spatial attention. Emotion 7(3):668-74. [pdf]

Engelmann JB (2006) Personality predicts responsivity of the brain reward system. The Journal of Neuroscience, 26: 7775-7776. [pdf]